
The Only 3 Exercises You Need To Do To Develop Monstrous Delts

The Only 3 Exercises You Need To Do To Develop Monstrous Delts
The Only 3 Exercises You Need To Do To Develop Monstrous Delts

For most people, shoulders are simply an accessory muscle that they work at the end of their chest day or mix in on another day. I know and watch several people at the gym do a few presses and mix in a few front and side raises and then call it a day. Some of these people work hard when they do their shoulder workout but simply put, treating your caps like an accessory muscle isn’t going to get your the kind of shoulder muscles that turn heads

But when it comes to deltoid training all people think about is the classic overhead presses. No doubt it is a great exercise for your shoulder strength but if you’re chasing boulder shoulders, it simply isn’t enough. Also, 3D deltoids are the hardest thing to achieve naturally. We’ve done some digging in the Bio-mechanic mines to find out the best exercises for your delt-development


First, Let Me Give You A Basic Insight Of Your Deltoid’s Anatomy

Now, Try These 3 Moves

 Side Lateral Raises With Cabels

Lateral raise is a great muscle builder for your medial dletoids. However, being an isolation movement the load on your muscle fiberes is invariable throughout the range of motion and also becomes zero at some points

Performing this exercise with cables puts constant tension over the  medial head providing maximum stimulation for maximum gains.Bend your torso little forward while alling the movement of your arm with medial deltoid fiberes makes this exercise even more effective

Suggested sets and reps: 3 sets with 15-20 reps

