
5 Top Super Foods To Eat To Build Six Pack Abs


If you guys think that spending time each day at the gym is going to help develop a great looking six pack then think again.
In order to actually achieve this look you need to make sure that you are eating the right sorts of foods as well as exercising on a regular basis. In order to help you create your ideal diet we take a look at 5 best to foods to eat to build a six pack.
Food 1 – Whole GrainsNot only will these provide you with essential dietary fibre that your body needs.
 By including whole grains in your diet will help to provide you with a lot more energy for longer periods of time, which will prove extremely beneficial when working out. You need to make sure that you include only 100% whole grains in your diet.

Amaranth was a staple of Aztec culture, until Cortez, in an effort to destroy that civilization, decreed that anyone growing the crop would be put to death. Seeds were smuggled out to Asia, where local dialects referred to Amaranth as “king seed” and “seed sent by God” as a tribute to its taste and sustenance. 


Amaranth kernels are tiny; when cooked they resemble brown caviar.Amaranth is a “pseudo-grain” – like quinoa and buckwheat, it’s not in the Poaceae botanical family, but is listed with other grains because its nutritional profile and uses are similar to “true” cereal grains. (Two other amaranth species — A. hypochondriacus and A. caudatus — are also grown for their edible seeds, but A. cruentus is most common.)Today amaranth is making its way back, thanks to a lively, peppery taste and a higher level of protein (it’s roughly 13-14% protein) compared to most other grains.
In South America, it is often sold on the streets, popped like corn. Amaranth has no gluten, so it must be mixed with wheat to make leavened breads. It is popular in cereals, breads, muffins, crackers and pancakes.


Whole Wheat

Whole Wheat

This one is pretty easy, as long as you don’t let food marketers trick you. It can be readily found in bread and pasta products, but make sure the label says “100 percent whole wheat.” Terms like “multigrain” and “wheat” don’t cut it.
As when you’re shopping for any whole-grain product, look at the ingredients and make sure the whole grain is at or near the top of the list.
Each serving should contain at least 2 or 3 grams of fiber.

