
How to Get a Six Pack – Avoid These 3 Big Mistakes


It’s a common situation in the world of working out. Lots of guys aiming to achieve ripped abs, but they are misinformed on how to get a six pack, and just never see results! In this article, I’m going to tell you the three main mistakes guys do when trying to get ripped abs. Avoid these mistakes, and after reading this, you’ll begin to know how to get a six pack the proper way!

Hours spent on crunches and the wrong type of cardio.


Doing a hundred crunches a day and jogging on a treadmill for hours at a time is just not how to get a six pack you desire! Crunches are too small and isolated exercises and won’t burn away enough body fat quick enough. Jogging isn’t intense enough either, and doing jogging may lower your metabolism, which is exactly what you don’t want when trying to burn fat!

People think they can eat whatever they want and “burn it off” in the gym

The experts with great abs will tell you that having a solid healthy diet is key if you ever want to see those abs! Everyone has a six pack, it’s just they are covered by a layer of belly fat. What you need to do is lower your body fat, by cutting out the foods that contain empty useless calories, like biscuits and crisps. Eating foods that contain high protein content will help to build muscle, and will strengthen your abs!

People quit after a week because they haven’t got abs like the experts

You don’t lose all your belly fat overnight! It will take dedication and a solid routine, but after a few weeks, you will begin to see results! Keep focused on how much better you’ll feel once you reach that day where you can whip off your top and reveal stunning abs that won’t go unnoticed by the opposite sex!
